Tuckers Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing Blog

How to Extend Your Water Heater’s Lifespan

Water heaters are built to last, and can serve for at least a couple of decades under the right circumstances. The problem is that water heaters can’t last that long on their own. You need to take steps to ensure that your water heater lasts as long as possible, because without those steps you won’t get maximum return on your investment. Read on to find out how you can extend the lifespan of your water heater.

Schedule Annual Maintenance

Prompt repairs are great, as we’ll talk about in a second. However, many homeowners think that as long as they react quickly, prompt repairs will be all that they need to keep their water heater healthy. This is not the case. By waiting for a problem to present itself before addressing it, you are giving that problem time to develop and damage the system. If you really want to make your water heater last as long as possible, you need to schedule annual preventive maintenance for the system. Regular maintenance allows your water heater technician to locate and fix any developing problems before they damage the system.

Call for Prompt Repairs

No matter how careful you are about scheduling maintenance, one or two problems will inevitably slip through in the life of your water heater. When that does happen, do not ignore it. The longer you leave a problem alone, the worse it will get and the more damage it will cause. You should call for prompt repairs if you even suspect a problem with your water heater. The faster we can get to your system, the more damage we’ll be able to prevent.

If your water heater needs maintenance or repairs, call Tuckers Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing. We offer water heater services of all kinds throughout Gaithersburg, MD.