Tuckers Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing Blog

What’s That Noise? It May Be Your Heater


The weather has seemed to be all over the place lately. When temperatures can ricochet between 70 and 50, it is important that you are able to find a comfortable haven in your house. This means that you also need to be able to turn on your heater quickly and know that it is up to the job of keeping you comfortable.

But what if your heating system needs to be repaired? If there is a necessary heating repair in Brunswick, MD, it is far less than likely that your system will be able to provide the comfort you need–it is probably going to drive your energy bills up though!

No comfort and less cash isn’t an ideal situation. Don’t let it happen to you! There are some warning sounds that you should be wary of that will let you know something is up with your heater.

What Is That Noise?

Have you ever been enjoying an afternoon at home with the heater keeping you cozy and then started to notice a strange noise? Believe it or not, that sound could have been coming from your heater. Your heater is going to emit different sounds that are caused by different issues within this system. Here are some noises you should be on the look-out for.

  • Squealing: When you run your heater does it sound like there is a very angry animal somewhere trying to tell you off? If so, what you are hearing is probably a squealing noise caused by a problem with your blower motor. If the blower motor belt needs lubrication, or the pieces of the motor become misaligned, it will create a squealing noise.
  • Hissing: Is the cat mad at you? No, it is probably your heater. Both furnaces and heat pumps can create a hissing noise though they are indicators or different issues. In a heat pump, hissing can indicate a refrigerant leak while in a furnace it might be caused by air leakages in your ducts or a gas leak from the furnace itself.
  • Rattling: This is a noise you are really going to only hear if you have a furnace, and it is a very important one to be on alert for. Rattling is most often caused by a cracked heat exchanger which is going to be problematic for your home comfort and your safety.
  • Clicking: When you turn on your heating system from your thermostat, you are usually going to hear some clicking noises as your system kicks on and starts up. However, if that clicking sound goes on continuously, you have a problem on your hands as your system either isn’t receiving orders, or your thermostat can’t tell that your system is on.

What do I do?

If you notice that your heating system is emitting odd, loud noises, it isn’t something you should ignore, even if your heater is still producing comfortable warmth. Those noises are a warning that soon your heater isn’t going to be able to do its job unless you schedule repairs ASAP.

When you need reliable heating repairs, contact Tuckers Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing: Your Whole House Approach