Tuckers Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing Blog

The Benefits of a Dual Fuel Heating System


People across the United States are looking for ways to improve their energy efficiency. This means using less energy and losing less of what you use too. One of the many great ways to do this is to utilize highly energy efficient home comfort systems such as the heat pump.

Energy efficiency is a great thing to work towards but it doesn’t always keep you comfortable. After all, a heat pump’s greatest weakness is freezing cold temperatures. This doesn’t make it a bad system, it just means that your heat pump may not be able to do its job efficiently all year round.

But what if this didn’t need to be a problem? When you use a dual fuel system, it won’t be!

What is a Dual Fuel System?

A dual fuel system is a heating system that uses a combination of both a heat pump and a furnace to keep your home warm. This type of system puts together the powerful heating strength of a furnace and the energy efficiency of a heat pump so you can enjoy the benefits of both heaters without the drawbacks.

Benefits of a Dual Fuel Heating System

So, why would you want to consider installing a dual fuel system in Jefferson? There are several benefits to this type of system that may make it the perfect one for your home.

  • Energy Efficiency: Your heat pump is known for being a very energy efficient system but so is the natural gas furnace. While an electric system (the heat pump) will always offer a little extra efficiency when compared to a gas-based system, you can enjoy knowing that every part of your dual fuel heater is meant to utilize energy optimally.
  • No Lack of Warmth: As we mentioned, heat pumps don’t do well in extreme cold. Specifically, the closer the temp gets to freezing cold (30°F), the less efficient your heat pump will be and the harder it will struggle to heat your home. When you have a dual fuel system however, it is set up to switch from heat pump to furnace when things get too chilly, meaning you will never be without warmth.
  • Heating and Cooling Combined: Because your dual fuel system uses a heat pump, you have the benefit of also enjoying the two comfort settings that this unit provides. Thanks to its reversing valve, your heat pump can switch between heating and cooling your home, meaning it will keep you comfortable all year long.


It is plain to see that a dual fuel system is a great choice for many home comfort needs–especially because it can offer comfort solutions year round. If you are considering installing a dual fuel system or replacing your old system with one, that is great to hear! We want you to know that we can help. The team at Tuckers Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing is made up of trained and knowledgeable professionals who want to be the source for Your Whole Home Approach to comfort.

When you need a team your can trust with your home heating and cooling needs, contact Tuckers Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing.